

A few years ago, a, woman, whose, name, was, Sthephanie,

was, looking, at, me, for, a, few, seconds, and, she has said, '' You are pretty '' ,

Honestly, not, only, that, I, have, not, put, on, any, cosmetics,

but, also, that, I, have, not, taken, a, shower, for, about, four, days,

and, I have asked, " Really ? Even if I have not taken a shower, for about four days ? '' ,

She has not cared about it,

and, she has just kept saying, '' You are pretty '' ,

and, I have said, to, her, '' You are cute '' ,

She was not a lesbian, but, she was just honest,

Given that she was an artist, she has had the ability to recognize the absolute beauty, in the world,

What a true artist she was,


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